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                                           THE HEALING SEASON


   It’s my sincere belief that the healing power of the prayer below given to me by the Lord is available to everyone, that just its regular and devoted practice is needed for its potential to touch people’s lives. And I’m so happy, overjoyed, to share it here. Sometimes people need hope, sometimes desperately we need it, and that is the point of its sharing on this page.


   And it can be said for others too, regardless their belief or non-belief, for family members and friends, as in:


“Jesus, in your Presence are Love and tender mercies,
the renewal of ­­­ ________________
s Spirit, Mind and Body;
and the perfect healing of  (the issue) which I claim
for (him/her) this day at Your gentle touch.
Thank you and praise you, Christ Jesus.”






                                                       ‘POINTS OF CONTACT’


   In some ministries today, the importance of ‘Points of Contact’ are often stressed for the experiencing of miracles. And this can be helpful because the touching or holding of an object, can act as a channel of healing energy (though not possessing any special power in itself), adding to the dynamic of believing, and in subsequent healings.


   So the Lord put it on my heart to present the image below as a point of contact – imagining the stone in the stream represents these three things:


It’s the improbable stone in David's sling as he stood before Goliath.

It’s the stone at Christ’s Tomb that the Angel pushed away.

It’s the Rock that was, and is still, the cornerstone of Life Eternal.












   Then as you touch your fingers to it, speak the prayer, believing the stone can serve as pass-through for the healing energy in these words:


“Jesus in your Presence are Love and tender mercies, the renewal 
of my Spirit, 
Mind and Body and its perfect healing –
which I claim this day at Your gentle touch.

Thank you and praise you, Christ Jesus.”


   Repeated seven times, mirroring the repetitive action the prophet Elisha told the general suffering from leprosy he must do to be healed of leprosy by bathing seven times in the River Jordan, which brought about his healing the repetition of the prayer as the stone is touched is a visible act of Humility, which is the gateway to God's presence.  


  If nothing should happen on the first engagement, please don’t become discouraged, and just try again the following day, and the next… until with each attempt the power of Hope needed for the miraculous to occur poignantly emerges – in the material God uses to fashion all Miracles, Humility its conveyance in the childlike medium of Faith.


  Then when healings take place, please share them with the world, it is the Season of the Beautiful Unfoldment we are in, and not one of fearful judgment.


                                                              ​ To the Sea’s Edge

                       ‘Greater things than these shall ye do, because I go unto my Father.’


   The lame walked, the blind received their sight, and greater things than these are we to do in His Name. These things have not yet been seen on this Earth, but we are on the cusp of them is my belief, that they soon will happen far and wide – released from as many sources. That even now, like the Israelites before the Red Sea, something is about to take place in this world that will defy our comprehension, and be wonderful indeed.*

     “We can be part of this coming love and move of the Spirit as we ask to be healed, and become healers in our turn, in whatever capacity that may be. But this must come from within, as from without we seek it with a child’s humility – that irresistible virtue the One who sees all, and is everywhere present, is bound to honor.

* If only one child, one man or woman, receives a healing through this prayer or the exercise above, has pain alleviated or is touched by the Holy Spirit, it will have been worth every syllable – and commend the audacity that is not at its center, but may fill its seen edges.


Written and compiled in June of 2020 … to honor the Scripture:


That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God,
who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.







   Two weeks after this page was completed, as I awoke with the troubling concern that it all just came from me, I had this experience: while sitting at the edge of the bed that morning with this persistent doubt, a word presented itself that I didn’t know, which I believed to be Latin – Adomino.  When I went online to discover its meaning, the three words that presented its spiritual definition were, ‘By the Master’.


  The weight of doubt lifted in that moment, and has never returned.



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